Emotive Therapy

Emotive Therapy works on the patterns that you have built up all your life.

Emotional Therapy is process therapy. The entire process (usually) consists of nine sessions, built up in a fixed pattern. After the long, problem-oriented intake, it’s time for the three basic emotions: anxiety, grief and anger all cause charges that are stuck in our body. Often linked to a conviction, which we also include when processing the charges.

The processing of the charges takes place through the sense center, a place that is also called the brain in your gut. We have many proverbs and sayings that have something to do with our body. The sense center is at the place where you feel butterflies in your stomach when you are in love.

Once the base charges have been processed, we move on to tackling the patterns. The relationship with your parents (in the form of the inner critic), the connection with yourself and functioning in the moment are the next three sessions. Then the above issues have been addressed and we can go to the basis of the whole; the core belief. That's session eight. Then another closing session, to round it all off. Of course something can always happen again, that is called 'life'. You can do another session after a while, if desired.
Each session takes approximately 2 hours. An extra option is working with a singing bowl. You don't have to, but most of my clients really like the vibration to move the charges to the feeling center.
Emotive Therapy is highely effective as part of a reintegration process or as burnout prevention. For questions about a business trajectory, please contact me.
Emotional Therapy tackles several problems at once. Some examples:
  • Burnout and being stressed to a point you can’t function anymore
  • Relationship problems
  • Inferiority feelings
  • Sexual problems, including gender issues
  • High sensitivity or hypersensitivity
  • Depression, anxiety, phobia
  • Impotence
  • PTSD

Emotional Therapy, like regression therapy, can easily take place via the internet. Do you live far away, or do you prefer to stay at home for other reasons? Then Skype or Zoom are great programs to work with.

€ 140,= per sessie

Costs for a business trajectory on request.

Supplementary insurance policies often make it possible to claim reimbursement for complementary care. You can ask your health insurer whether this is possible.